by Sons of Kemet

Released March 30, 2018 via Impulse! Records
Reviewed April 27, 2023
Top tracks (based on community voting)
My Queen Is Anna Julia Cooper (57%), My Queen Is Doreen Lawrence (57%),
My Queen Is Ada Eastman (43%)
Boisterous as the bursts of frenetic energy can be on Shabaka Hutchings' Impulse! Records debut, the musicianship throughout this record is astoundingly light on its feet; think Muhammad Ali cavorting around the ring into a knockout punch. Centered around razor sharp percussion, dizzying flute, thunderous tuba, and soulful vocals. Your Queen honors jazz’s roots while sprinkling African flavors and a hip-hop ethos, ranging from UK grime to NYC boom-bap. Your Queen Is A Reptile is a modern jazz masterclass that showcases the intersection of intention and frenzy in just about the most delectable way somebody could. – Pax (9/10)
Jared: 9.5/10 | DeVán: 9/10 | Pax: 9/10 | Dominick: 9/10