by Lizzo

Released July 15, 2022 via Nice Life / Atlantic Records
Reviewed July 27, 2022
Top tracks (based on community voting)
About Damn Time (80%), Special (31%), Coldplay (31%)
Jacques: 8/10 | Dominick: 7.8/10 | Henny: 7.8/10 | Cam: 7/10
DeVán: 7/10 | Pablo: 7/10 | Hadley: 6.5/10
Community Reviews:
It's definitely over-the-top and some tracks just feel far too sanitized. HOWEVER, I do appreciate Lizzo's focus here and the songwriting is still admirably sharp and fun. For the most part, the uplifting nature of this record seems organic. – @andre_vital_pardue (6.5/10)
I really like the album. Compared to Cuz I Love You, this one has a more ‘80s-inspired synth production, which is my favorite style. I like “About Damn Time.” but I think it sounds a bit too similar to “Juice.” I can see “2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)” and “Birthday Girl” being singles. – @xyrd_music (6.5/10)
It's good to hear a New Lizzo record. Good tracks, but it's not as cohesive as her others works. – @oscaralevj (5/10)