by Logic

Released May 15, 2017 via Visionary Music Group / Def Jam Recordings
Reviewed May 10, 2022
Top tracks (based on community voting)
Everybody (45%), America (38%), Black SpiderMan (38%)
I, like Logic, am a nearly completely white-passing person of mixed race, born to a white mother and Black father. It strikes me as a uniquely awkward experience, relistening to Everybody for the first time in years, as I reckon with its tangled and befuddled narrative. Having once sympathized with this album’s attempt at sincerity, it’s clear today where this record consistently misfires. Tagging “white privilege” as a fundamental fabrication is this album’s rocky start, but where it thematically flies off a cliff is its strange desire to please Everybody, speak for Everybody. Instantaneously, Logic became hip-hop’s foremost centrist, claiming himself to be the bridge everyone will cross to better understand one another. This album soaks every ounce of its focus into conceptual writing that is simply meaningless when deduced down to its underbelly of silly contradictions and unsettling mental gymnastics. A few bright spots notwithstanding, all the creativity explored in this album’s loads of dialogue and expository narration would have better served its musical choices. – DeVán (5/10)
Pablo: 6/10 | Cam: 5.5/10 | Alan: 5/10 | DeVán: 5/10
Dominick: 5/10 | Pax: 4.5/10 | Hadley: 4/10 | Daniel: 4/10 | Jared: 3/10
Community Reviews:
I think the concept of the album is interesting and ambitious, but it lacks depth and fails delivering the album as the experience that was supposed to be and that logic envisioned at the first place. – @jptk2202 (7/10)
Amazing production, but the goal of this project was to reach out to everybody no matter the race, religion, colour, etc. Yet in the end, the project only reaches out to a smaller demographic with surface level lyrics. Not a bad album at all, but it could have been better. – @_.merraj._ (6.5/10)
This has aged terribly. Everything is surface level and nothing is worth a second listen. – @andre_vital_pardue (3/10)