by Pink Floyd

Released March 1, 1973 via Harvest Records
Reviewed March 27, 2023
Top tracks (based on community voting)
Time (77%), Us and Them (46%), Money (42%)
The crowning achievement of man's time on earth. Encompassing the experience of life - the beginning, the mundane, the ending - into one 40-minute package has never been so succinct. What is maybe the strongest candidate for the 'greatest' album of all time debate, Dark Side of the Moon ticks all the necessary boxes: a universal message that transcends space and time, sounds that remain ahead of their place in time, melodies that fulfill a lush sense of life, and of course quite possibly the most recognisable album cover art known to man. The music isn't too bad either. Time itself is ticking away at a steady pace - gaining pace, even. Not much changes, though you're older. It's a battle that can't be won - the game of life is rigged from the get-go. The second it begins it's over. The race has been run. The dark side of the moon. The side you can't see. The things you can't feel. The sounds you can't hear. The life you can't live. A lunatic is on the grass. – Peter (10/10)
Jacques: 10/10 | Peter: 10/10 | Pax: 8.7/10 | Dominick: 8.5/10 | DeVán: 8/10
Pablo: 8/10 | Jared: 7.5/10 | Cam: 6.8/10 | Ben: 6/10
Community Reviews:
Pink Floyd’s classic 1973 release provided an unforgettably wide soundscape that makes listeners feel exactly what the iconic cover presents. As the album progresses, its hypnotic prog rock elements give you a sense of color and beauty that only music like this can give birth to. – (8/10)